About Lady Gouldian Finches

Lady Gouldian finch Pictures


Gouldian Male red head white chested yellow back
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Watch my Lady Gouldian Finch pictures collection from all the years

Male gouldian redhead and blackhead normal green back

Male gouldian redhead and blackhead normal green back

Enjoy all the Lady Gouldian Finch pictures taken in a community outdoor flight aviary.  All pictures are mostly the regular normal green and yellow back gouldians with purple and white chest.  They are my favorite as they are the most colorful, beautiful, hardy, easy to care and breed.  In comparison to a mutation type breed which are known to be weaker and seldom survive in an outdoor aviary due to changing temperature and needs to have a controlled heated environment.  These webpage will showcase the beauty, behavior and daily activities inside the flight aviary.  I’ve also added descriptions for  your information.  I will regularly update for new pictures and short videos as the  website progress. I will also include a comments section so we all can share our experiences and knowledge in caring and breeding this magnificent Lady Gouldian finch. Enjoy and please come back and visit for more pictures.

It’s summer of July 2015 and breeding season is over.  I have removed all of the nest boxes out and cleaned them for storage until next breeding season.  The weather now here in Los Angeles is reaching high 90’s to low 100’s, water mister is already setup and bird bath fountain is being used a lot at least twice during the day.  It is also the start of the molting season and flight wing and body feathers are all over the ground but new feathers are coming out.